Custom millwork from our fully equipped
woodworking shop in Edgecomb, Maine.
With all the right tools, and a duplicating lathe, we are able to turn pieces 10' long and up to 48" in diameter. We have the capability to grind knives to mill molding reproductions that exactly match original pieces--or design and create your own custom moldings.
Our most recent projects include a reproduction balustrade for the Miller Library tower at Colby College (read more about this project here), replacement of millwork details and balustrade on the Winter Street Church owned by Sagadahoc Preservation in Bath, Maine, and replacement of original mouldings on Franklin County Courthouse in Farmington, Maine.
Contact us for more information on your millwork requirements.

Balustrades | Mid-Maine Millwork, Inc

Balustrades | Mid-Maine Millwork, Inc

Custom Millwork | Mid-Maine Millwork, Inc

Balustrades | Mid-Maine Millwork, Inc
Joe and Lisa McSwain founded Mid-Maine Millwork, Inc. as a continuation of their work in support of Mid-Maine Restoration, a steeple and tower restoration company they started in 1983. In 2019 MMR sold to their long-time lead foreman, so they could focus on their handcrafted millwork--specifically in regard to steeple and tower work for MMR, as well as other contractors.
The segue was sparked when in 2013 Joe and Lisa undertook building a timber frame woodworking shop, where they resided while they constructed a garage and a 1200 square foot timber frame house. The project inspired a shift in focus. With Joe's years of experience and passion as a master woodworker, the vision was to continue custom milling for steeple and tower work, while being able to devote more time to his own creations.
Read more about our transition to this new endeavor here.